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West Texas School Spirit items

Use Our 1000+ Item Catalog for School Spirit and Company Promotions all year long! 

We have everything you need to fit your budget.

Don't see the exact item you are looking for? Give us a call at 806-748-4100 and we will work with you!


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Need CUSTOM PRINTED school supplies with your school's name? WestTexasSpirit.com's got you covered. Pencils, pens, notebooks, school bags, lunch boxes, and so much more.


Show pride in your local teams! We stock a wide selection of school spirit items for your students, parents, faculty, and community.


Use CUSTOM PRINTED promotional items to raise money for local drives and rallies, sports games, concession stands and more. Whatever your goal, WestTexasSpirit.com has the catalog for you.

Copyright www.WestTexasSpirit.com. All Rights Reserved.                         GSG Fundraising for school spirit items West Texas

Pala Supply Company, Inc

GSG Fundraising / Pala Prizes

Lubbock, TX  79403

Contact us at 806-748-4100  or Toll Free  800-236-2696

Serving all of West Texas and Eastern New Mexico with company promotions, advertising items,

convention give aways products, swag, school spirit items and fundraisers

for Lubbock, Amarillo, Midland, Odessa, Abilene, Wichita Falls, Clovis, Hobbs, Portales